
Monday, 11 April 2016


Today we had two speakers that came to talk to us about how their life were and how hard it was.First speaker was Arizona,her life was amazing she got an opportunity to learn different languages from different countries of the world and she also mentioned how she accomplished her goals by dreaming big,sharing  happiness and most importantly work hard.She had a very amazing experience working in one of the most beautiful place on earth Disneyworld.Arizona said that her process did not came from her friends it began with her.

We also had the amazing Kenese Samia  his story was beyond amazing and beyond wonderful.For a kid growing up without a father and lost a brother in a very young age.I could not imagine the pain that Kenese had and his mother.It was really sad.He also explained his childhood and things going on around his enviroment,which was not good at all but what inspired me is the fact that when he tried his best and here he is today and sharing his story with us which was amazing

Thank you Andrew Patterson for putting this event together     

Friday, 8 April 2016

My Profile

Name-George Pu’epu’emai
Image result for samoan prideAge-12 years of age
School-Pt England School
Year-Year 8

My name is George Pu’epu’emai and I am  12 years of age.The eldest of three children,I started  at Pt England School this year.I  am really enjoying the relationship with teachers , friends , school work and also sports especially rugby.I am honored and thank God when the school choose me to be a prefect to replace a prefect. So this is me George the kid from Samoa

Samoan Fiafia Group

My Fiafia Night

Last night was a very special night for the whole school.There were lots of families and how were there watching their kids perform.There were lots of different items that were performed and I think that we made more than 1000 dollars on our performances. We went out on the stage and gave everything.We didn’t mine our mistakes and keep moving forward.But for me I just can’t wait for the next fiafia.THE BEST WAS THE SAMOAN GROUP ROCK N’ ROLL.